jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My Favorite Subject

My favorite subject is right, because I learn new things that I didnt know, in the others subject we learn things that we knew before, also whit this subject I can have an explication about lots thing that I thought that happend usually.

The name of the teacher that teaches this subject is Sonia Doren, she work in a high possition of the Contraloria.

I like this subject because every day that I go to the class of Sonia Doren I learn a new thing in the civil right that own country have , also this subject is very special to me because before to get in this University to study Public Administration, I want study right but my points in the PSU wasnt good.

In right I learn a lots of things, for example : I have an idea about the civil right whit some rules that said something about the actitud that we must have, also I learn about the Legal Sistem in our country.

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