jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

The best in my area

The best in my area was Arturo Pratt because now he is the image of courage in Chile, he had lots qualities for example, the courage that Arturo had to jump in the enemy ship, also he had a big love for his country and he fought for this till death, for this reason Arturo Pratt was the best.

I admire him because we need lots of courage to go to the battle and fight till death, he jumped to the enemy ship with his famous sentence " to the bourding my partners", he jumped even knowing that he was going to die in the battle. He tried to win the battle when his ship was destroyed by the enemy and did an heroic action to motivate his partners.

All the people know that Arturo Pratt was the man who gave all to win the battle and to defend his country from the enemy who wanted to take our land. He gave his life to our lives, he defended our life style and our land, for this reason he is the national heroe and he is the best.

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