jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My Favorite Subject

My favorite subject is right, because I learn new things that I didnt know, in the others subject we learn things that we knew before, also whit this subject I can have an explication about lots thing that I thought that happend usually.

The name of the teacher that teaches this subject is Sonia Doren, she work in a high possition of the Contraloria.

I like this subject because every day that I go to the class of Sonia Doren I learn a new thing in the civil right that own country have , also this subject is very special to me because before to get in this University to study Public Administration, I want study right but my points in the PSU wasnt good.

In right I learn a lots of things, for example : I have an idea about the civil right whit some rules that said something about the actitud that we must have, also I learn about the Legal Sistem in our country.

jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

The best in my area

The best in my area was Arturo Pratt because now he is the image of courage in Chile, he had lots qualities for example, the courage that Arturo had to jump in the enemy ship, also he had a big love for his country and he fought for this till death, for this reason Arturo Pratt was the best.

I admire him because we need lots of courage to go to the battle and fight till death, he jumped to the enemy ship with his famous sentence " to the bourding my partners", he jumped even knowing that he was going to die in the battle. He tried to win the battle when his ship was destroyed by the enemy and did an heroic action to motivate his partners.

All the people know that Arturo Pratt was the man who gave all to win the battle and to defend his country from the enemy who wanted to take our land. He gave his life to our lives, he defended our life style and our land, for this reason he is the national heroe and he is the best.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

My Future

In five five years I think that I will be not work inmidiatly in the public space, because it is very difficult get in the public space if you dont have a friend that can help you,this way I think that I will be work in some company and I am going to do something about administration, or maybe other think whit a little salary.

Personally I think that maybe I will be a single man or a man whit a girdfriend, but i will be not marryed because I want enjoy my life, go out whit some friends and have lots of girls until i find the women of my dreams, that I think that it dont exist,because I hate be whit the same person all the time.

I will be live in small apartment whit only the essentials things, because I hate the big places, if I have a big house I will be all the day cleaning this.

My ideal future will be have a very good possition in some work, have a little aparment where I can have my essentials things, also have the time to go out whit my friends and if I have lucky have a girdfriend.