jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

My Last Vacation

In my last vacation i went to Temuco, specifically in a little town called pitrufquen.I was work two month in Santiago and in February of the 2009 when i had all the money to enjoy a great vacations i Packed all my things and take a bus.

My partners in these amazing travel were my brother, my best friend Hector and my cousin, In these place we did a lots of things, we go to swing in the river or in the swimingpool also we did a soccer team and we played whit others local teams of course we always won or sometimes we went to a friend that have a motocycle and we went to irregulars ways and the person that was slow must pay the sodas.

The event that i will never forget is the paint ball, because we were in a forest with all the suit to start a amazing war and my team was conformed by my brother my cousing and i whit other people and in the other team was others friend, this play was very funny but when someone shot you really

The wether in these area was very nice because wasnt could but wasnt warm, the best of this wether was that we can did a lots of things also sometimes the wind help you to refresh but a really strange event was that in this zone the most part of the time rain but in this occasion didnt rain.

This were the reasons to made this vacations the best vacations in my life.

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